
Our core values

We believe that markets need small companies as well as the big ones and we want the quality of our work and attitude to prove it.

Honest, open and fair negotiations in the workplace and in personal life are, for us, the highest principles. We appreciate that our candidates and clients confide in us, often with very sensitive and private information, and it is a privilege for us to honour that trust by respecting their privacy.

We are ambassadors when speaking to candidates on behalf of our clients, and vice-versa. We recognise the importance that work plays in people’s lives and the feeling, that making the right recommendation can positively influence the lives of our clients and candidates, inspires with the energy and passion to do our very best for them.

In our experience good relationships oblige and lead to better results. Most of our clients work with us repeatedly and a number of our candidates have become the clients, as they developed their careers and were promoted to senior managerial positions.

MoreAbout us

A-List Refresh, s.r.o.  tel:+420.774 88 28 98  e:

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