We'll find you the best candidates—effectively, professionally and quickly.
As your partner in the search process, we’ll ensure that it will not unnecessarily burden you and will culminate in getting you the right candidate.
Apart from taking care of the most time-consuming part of the process — the search and pre-selection of candidates — we will advise you on all its other stages, from the briefing, to the preparation of an adequate, and at the same time, attractive offer, including efficient communication with candidates.
Our expertise in the areas of digital and classic marketing, and marketing communication is particularly good, however, our experience is even broader, and in this regard we’re able to quickly identify the requirements of various types of positions in other branches, too.
Direct Search
The direct search method is used to fill managerial positions or specialist positions for which it is difficult to find suitable candidates.
Suitable for
Service Description
Main Benefits
Suitable for
Both, large and small businesses trying to fill positions that are significant for them may find the service useful. Thanks to our expertise we’re not only able to find suitable candidates, but we can also correctly identify information that they themselves will find relevant and enticing. We practice discretion and ethical conduct when relating with our clients as well as the professionals we deal with.
Service Description
• We will find, approach and evaluate candidates who match your criteria
• We will help you define the most important criteria for the candidate selection
• We will help you to attract and win over candidates you are interested in
• We will help you communicate effectively with candidates
• We will help you make your choice
Main Benefits
• You will get top professional services at a very favourable price
• You will save time
• You will increase your chances of success
• How much it (usually) costs you without us:
50 hours (more than 6 workdays)
—Amount of time the person responsible for search needs to entirely devote to the process
17,000 – 34,000 CZK
—Cost of time for an employee with a salary between 40,000 and 80,000 CZK per month
9,000 – 20,000 CZK
—Cost for advertising on professional social networks and job servers (for a limited time and without any guarantee of success)
—Additional costs (in the worst-case scenario up to 50,000 CZK) for advertising, salary, and time of the person responsible for the process, in the case you do not find a suitable candidate within 1 month
2 to 4 starting salaries of the candidate
—The fee you would need to pay if you had searched via most other professional recruitment agencies, depending on the type and seniority of the position
Bundled Services

Explanation of terms
Price The amount charged for a candidate introduced by A-List Refresh, s.r.o. and with whom the client has entered into a contract of employment or a similar contractual relationship.
Specialist Positions requiring 0 – 3 years of experience, without the responsibility for management of people and/or a salary of maximum of 50,000 CZK.
Middle Manager Positions requiring 3 – 6 years of experience and/or with a salary of over 50,000 CZK but maximum of 80,000 CZK.
Senior Manager Positions requiring maximum 6 years of experience, and/or with a salary of over 80,000 CZK but maximum of 110,000 CZK.
Top Manager Positions requiring more than 6 years of experience and/or with a salary of over 110,000 CZK.
Assistance with defining candidate selection criteria We will help you to define specific criteria for candidate selection in accordance with your needs.
4 key criteria The 4 most important criteria for candidate selection, specified in the contract.
Suitable candidate A candidate that fulfills 4 key criteria, as well as a wider selection of criteria, in accordance with the client’s brief.
Market analysis An analysis that may describe the proposed search strategy, information on salary trends and averages on similar positions, etc. If necessary, we will help you draw up a job description.
Direct search and approaching of candidates Search in our database, through our network of contacts, on social networks, CVs databases on job portals, etc, as determined by A-List Refresh, s.r.o. In case of advertising of the position, the price includes standard job ads text creation and expenses connected with their publishing, unless other arrangements are agreed.
Candidate evaluation A written report assessing the potential strengths and weaknesses of candidates, including recommendation of next steps.
Consultations in negotiations with candidates and in decision on final selection of a suitable candidate Maximum duration of consultations: Specialist-3 hours, Middle Manager–4 hours, Senior Manager–5 hours.
90-day guarantee for a placed candidate In case the candidate leaves within the guarantee period, we will refund you 75%, 50%, or 25% of invoiced amount respectively, depending on whether he/she leaves within days 1-30, 31-60, or 61-90 from the start date of employment. The guarantee is only valid if the invoice for the candidate was paid in full and within the time of remuneration period, and it does not include amounts invoiced for Installments A, B, and C.
120 day guarantee for a placed candidate In case the candidate leaves within the guarantee period, we will refund you 75%, 50%, or 25% of invoiced amount respectively, depending on whether he/she leaves within days 1-40, 41-80, or 81-120 from the start date of employment. The guarantee is only valid if the invoice for the candidate was paid in full and within the time of remuneration period, and it does not include amounts invoiced for Installments A, B, and C.
Placed candidate A candidate introduced by A-List Refresh, s.r.o. with whom the client concluded an employment contract or similar contractual relationship.
Individual Services – Hourly Rate
A cost-effective and time-efficient way to obtain professional assistance in finding and selecting candidates. You can choose only certain search and recruitment related services and pay just for them.
Suitable for
Service Description
Main Benefits
Suitable for
This service is suitable for companies that only need help with some specific activities within the recruitment process or lack the time or capacity of personnel within their recruitment department.
Service Description
• You will choose one or several of the specific recruitment related services and pay an hourly rate
• There is no extra charge for the candidates you choose and employ, regardless of their number or seniority
• The minimum price per project is CZK 10,000, the maximum price can be agreed in advance
Examples of the services you can choose from:
• We will approach the candidates you would like to recruit to your team and help you to attract them.
• We will interview and evaluate the candidates you already have.
• We will create and post job ads and/or review CVs posted on job portals.
• We will sort through the CVs of candidates who responded to your own ad according to their eligibility in meeting your criteria.
• We will help you define the criteria for candidate selection.
• We will help you evaluate the pros and cons of individual candidates and communicate efficiently with them.
Main Benefits
• You will get expert help and advice if your recruitment team is too busy or you do not have one.
• If you already have candidates to choose from or you are hiring for a position that you believe will generate enough CVs just by advertising, it will be a far more financially viable alternative to the classic search or the executive search — and without compromising on quality.
• It is a cost-effective solution to get expert assistance if you only need help with some aspects of the hiring process.
Bundled Services

Explanation of Terms
Services & Terms included in price The list of individual services to pick from, based on your needs. The scale of the services will be specified before the start of work on the project.
Base price The amount charged for each hour spent on the project.
Minimum price Applies to cases in which the total amount for the hours spent on the project is equal or lower than this price.
Maximum price* Applies to cases in which the total amount for the hours spent on the project is agreed on, or, in case there are other specific conditions agreed.
Assistance with defining candidate selection criteria We will help you define specific criteria for candidate selection in accordance with your requirements.
Approaching of selected candidates We will approach candidates from your list and will investigate their interest and/or suitability.
Conducting interviews with candidates—in person or via videoconference We will interview candidates to evaluate in detail how well they fulfill your key and broader criteria based on their experience, skills, motivation, personality traits, etc.
Candidate evaluation We will provide a written report in regard to each interviewed candidate, assessing his or her potential strengths and weaknesses, including recommendation of next steps.
Review of CVs We will review the candidates’ CVs that you provided based on your criteria, choose those that fulfill them sufficiently, and then narrow down the choice to those that fulfill them best.
Search on CVs portals* We will search and blind audit candidates’ CVs on relevant job portals and select and view those that seem to sufficiently meet your selection criteria. *The cost of viewing CVs is not included in the price of the service and will be invoiced to you on an ongoing basis.
Creation and posting of a job ad* We will prepare the text of a standard job ad and post it on relevant portals. *The advertising costs are not included in the price of the service and will be invoiced to you on an ongoing basis.
Ongoing communication and feedback to client and candidates We will provide feedback to you and the candidates during the entire search and selection process to ensure that both parties have all the necessary information to make decisions while maintaining candidates’ interest in your job opportunity.
Consultation on negotiations with candidates and deciding on final selection We will help you compare the suitability of the individual candidates with each other and provide you with assistance in dealing with those you want to recruit.
Other services, subject to agreement If the service you require is not listed, it is possible to arrange it independently.
Talent Scouting
You’ll be interested in this service if you want to make certain you’re not missing out on interesting candidates of whom you may not be aware are available, or if you haven’t started to look yet.
Suitable for
Service Description
Main Benefits
Suitable for
Companies that don’t want to miss out on interesting candidates of whose existence they are unaware.
Service Description
• Based on knowing your needs or culture, we will introduce to you candidates who might be of interest to you
• We will help you to communicate with candidates and to make the right decision
Main Benefits
• You will save considerably — you can pay less than 30% of the market average for an experienced candidate
• Active radar — you would know about the fact that a potentially interesting candidate is available even before you’ve started looking
Bundled Services

Explanation of terms
Junior Applies to positions where the candidate’s starting gross monthly salary is maximum CZK 50,000 CZK.
Senior Applies to positions requiring min 4 yeqars of experience and/or the candidate’s starting gross monthly salary is more than 50,000 CZK.
Basic price Applies in cases where the candidate’s starting gross montlhly salary is higher than the Minimum price and lower than the Maximum price.
Maximum price Applies in cases in which candidate’s starting gross monthly salary is equal to or higher than this price.
Minimum price Applies in cases in which candidate’s gross monthly salary is equal to or lower than this price.
Consultation on negotiations with candidates and deciding on final selection Maximum length of consultations is 2 hours.